Your first goal as a professional auto technician ought to be to acquire the tools necessary for the work. Large shops will have a number of the tools you will need but smaller shops will need you to bring your own. Additionally, you will need your own tools if attending a training program at a community college or vocational school. These tools will run you back a couple thousand dollars so it is essential you begin your collection ahead of time.
In case you are thinking about entering a training program, you are going to be handed a list of tools that you'll be required to have prior to the start of the program. The plus of this is that you will receive student reductions in price for many of the best tool brands. For a 2-year community college program, first year tool kits will cost any where from $600 to $1500 depending on the brand you want. Second year tool sets will cost anywhere from around $800 to $2000, again based on the brand.
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