January 20, 2012

Catalytic Converter is Very Useful But Can Lead To Fire On The Car

Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters are behind the exhaust manifold or between the muffler and header, with the consideration that the catalytic converter heat up quickly when the engine is turned on. Additionally, the sensor can immediately work to inform the need for fuel-air mixture right into the Engine Control Machine (ECM).

Anticipate danger of Catalytic Converter
The new catalytic converter device works effectively when conditions are hot. However, if too hot, the components can not work with the maximum. In fact, the catalytic converter is too hot can trigger fires when the nearby there are materials that are flammable.
Catalytic converters have a very large function in reducing levels of harmful exhaust emissions that are removed from the car. This device is capable of transforming substances such as fuel combustion, hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and NOx to be more environmentally friendly substances. But that does not mean the use of catalytic converters, there is no prohibition, for it is necessary to know more about these environmentally friendly devices and also the danger posed by these devices.

The temperature of this component will be safeguarded through the gusts of wind that came due to a car that runs. That is why, if there is a catalytic converter exhaust channels, do not turn the engine for long periods at rest (idle). Therefore, follow the instructions in the book of the manual. There is listed the information that when the heat engine or turn the vehicle in a stationary state (idle) can not be longer than 20 minutes. Many people turn on or heat up the engine in idle position, the reason for the cooling device (AC) can remain lit. And for cars that have a catalytic converter, turning on the car can be run without a catalytic Converter trigger fires burned because of excessive heat gain. Although it works when the heat, the temperature on the catalytic converters are not allowed to exceed a predetermined threshold is about 400-500 degrees centigrade


  1. blog walking gan...waw..blog nya keren juga gan...manstaapp...cuman pusing bahasanya..haa..haa..maklum ndeso.. (^_^)

  2. hehehe, ane juga kurang paham gan isinya, yang nulis aja :D
